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时光短暂,师生情深 ——16级计算机学院国际班联谊活动


 对计算机学院16级的软件工程国际班(以下简称软工国际班)和数字媒体技术国际班(以下简称数媒国际班)的同学们来说, 924晚是一个难忘的夜晚。

It was an unforgettable night for the students of International Cooperation Classes of Software Engineering (ICSE) and Digital Media Technology (ICDMT) of School of Computer Technology on September 24th in 2016.




他们在赵卓君老师的陪同下与两位来自美国蒙赛罗大学的老师Migo WuJamie一起去珠海的淇澳岛BBQ

Accompanied by Teacher Zhao, who is the Head of International Office of the School of Computer Technology, the students had barbecue dinner with the American teachers from Mt. Sierra College, Migo Wu and Jamie McDonough on Qi’ao Island.

活动期间,师生除了享受烧烤带来的乐趣之外,还相互畅谈、聆听心语。Migo Wu友好地询问软工国际班的同学们对Jamie上课的感受,并给数媒国际班的同学传授了夜间摄影的技巧。现场,同学们与Jamie愉快地交谈着。

During the activity, the teachers and students not only enjoyed the barbecue, but also chatted in happiness. Migo asked ICSE students about how they studied in Jamie\'s class which was totally in English. He also taught ICDMT students how to take photography at night. The students also tried their best to talk with Jamie in English.











Mt. Sierra College is located in Monrovia of California, which is focus on effective use of technology, and advertisement design. Since signed "2+2 joint training project", Mt. Sierra College has an increasing connection and cooperation with our school. 


Although the students had a very short time with the American teachers, the ICSE and ICDMT students had experienced in learning a course in full-English and will be more confident in study aboard in the future.(编辑/易雯静 审核/张振)

  • 学院名称:北京理工大学珠海学院-计算机学院
  • 地址:广东省珠海市香洲区金凤路6号北京理工大学珠海学院知行楼
  • 邮编:519088
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