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暑期游学 | 文化之旅 飘洋过海来学习


       In order to promote the vertical development of the "parallel theory and practice" of college students, the summer camp team of the School of Computer Science of Zhuhai College of Beijing Institute of Technology carried out social practice at the University of New Mexico to understand the culture and education methods in the southwestern United States. Experience how life and learning at the University of New Mexico differ from domestic ones.



       全英文的语言环境,浸泡式的英语学习,用英语进行交流,使我们的英语水平迅速提高。每天的课程从上午九点开始,十二点结束,紧接着是小组口语交流环节。课程内包括 Listening, Wirting,Reading。由Mr.jose为我们授课。上课氛围与国内大有不同,国内的氛围较为死板,学生被动接受知识;这里的老师更愿意的是调动学生的积极性,让其去探究问题的根源,而不仅仅是为了做题应付考试。
       The English language environment, immersive English learning, and communication in English, our English level is rapidly improved. The daily course starts at 9 am and ends at 12 o\'clock. The course includes Listening, Wirting, Reading. We taught us by Mr.jose. The atmosphere of the class is very different from that in China. The domestic atmosphere is relatively rigid, and students passively accept knowledge. The teachers here are more willing to mobilize the enthusiasm of the students and let them explore the root of the problem, not just to do the exams.

2、Conversation Group


       Humorous and interesting topics can make students who are usually shy and reserved speak English, communicate with native americans with pure accents, which can subtly improve students\' English level.

3、TOEFL Preparation Group


       Learning is more important than practice on paper. Through practice, we can learn more efficiently. So the practice of learning English is to communicate with others. The humorous and interesting topics in class can make it easier for students who are shy and restrained to express their opinions more easily. Improve the English level of the students in a subtle way.


       We attended the activities of the Engineering College. The school prepared a welcome lunch for us and introduced professors from various disciplines. The professors led us to visit the School of Engineering. In the course of the visit, we will introduce the functions of each laboratory and carefully explain the help that the laboratory can provide to us for our profession. The laboratory is fully equipped. Moreover, they have a special place. There are many glass in the laboratory wall. When they are discussing or researching, they will directly write their own ideas and ideas directly on the wall, express their ideas intuitively, and let others give them Make your own comments and make changes. This is a very different place from the country.





       The instructor introduces the principles and functions of the robot to the classmates.


       经过了一天的学习,放学后便是同学们放松的时间啦 !除了学习最紧要的当然就是吃喝玩乐啦!
       After a day of study, after school is the time for students to relax! In addition to learning the most important is to eat, drink and play!


       Students Union中包含了许多功能,同时它也是一个饭堂,距离我们上课的地点较近,在短暂的午饭时间,我们一般选择这里。其中有Subway、Bleak等不错的选择。
       Students Union contains a lot of things, and it is also a canteen, which is close to where we have our classes. During the short lunch time, we usually choose here. Subway, Bleak and so on are good choices.






The gym



       每天的锻炼能够让我们拥有更强健的体魄以支持每日的学习 。
       Daily exercise can make us stronger and stronger to support our daily study.

Join a party!!





       We also participated in students from other countries such as Korea and Malaysia. The teacher also participated in it. We communicate, have lunch together, and play together. In the process, I learned a lot about the knowledge and customs of other countries. Although we are from different countries, we are still able to get along with each other. It’s really a very special experience.





       Leisure weekend time can choose to go to the local attractions, can also take a walk in the campus, the occasional rabbit, carrier pigeon, but also interesting.
       In addition, there are many surprises waiting for me to discover in the campus.


       Unconsciously, a busy month is about to pass, and in addition to knowledge gained at the University of New Mexico, it is more important to understand the learning styles and living habits of other countries. Go to the dross, take the essence and apply it to your body. Exercise the ability to communicate with others, self-management, and the ability to set goals. The benefits of this summer study tour have benefited me a lot.

(易雯静/编辑 张振/审核)

  • 学院名称:北京理工大学珠海学院-计算机学院
  • 地址:广东省珠海市香洲区金凤路6号北京理工大学珠海学院知行楼
  • 邮编:519088
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